Keycloak OIDC Group Membership Mapping
Learn how to sync Keycloak group members to matching groups in Infisical.
You can have Infisical automatically sync group memberships between Keycloak and Infisical by configuring a group membership mapper in Keycloak. When a user logs in via OIDC, they will be added to Infisical groups that match their Keycloak groups names, and removed from any Infisical groups not present in their groups claim.
When enabled, manual management of Infisical group memberships will be disabled.
Group membership changes in the Keycloak only sync with Infisical when a user logs in via OIDC. For example, if you remove a user from a group in Keycloak, this change will not be reflected in Infisical until their next OIDC login. To ensure this behavior, Infisical recommends enabling Enforce OIDC SSO in the OIDC settings.
Configure a group membership mapper in Keycloak
1.1. In your realm, navigate to the Clients tab and select your Infisical client.
1.2. Select the Client Scopes tab.
1.3. Next, select the dedicated scope for your Infisical client.
1.4. Click on the Add mapper button, and select the By configuration option.
1.5. Select the Group Membership option.
1.6. Give your mapper a name and ensure the following properties are set to the following before saving:
- Token Claim Name is set to
- Full group path is disabled
Setup groups in Infisical and enable OIDC Group Membership Mapping
2.1. In Infisical, create any groups you would like to sync users to. Make sure the name of the Infisical group is an exact match of the Keycloak group name.
2.2. Next, enable OIDC Group Membership Mapping in Organization Settings > Security.
2.3. The next time a user logs in they will be synced to their matching Keycloak groups.
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