Infrastructure Integrations
- Container orchestrators
- Infisical Agent
- Docker
- Terraform
- Ansible
App Connections
- Overview
- Connections
Secret Syncs
- Overview
- Syncs
Native Integrations
CI/CD Integrations
Framework Integrations
Build Tool Integrations
- OIDC Auth
How to sync secrets from Infisical to GitLab
- Set up and add envars to Infisical Cloud
Authorize Infisical for GitLab
Navigate to your project’s integrations tab in Infisical.
Press on the GitLab tile and grant Infisical access to your GitLab account.
Start integration
Select which Infisical environment secrets you want to sync to which GitLab repository and press create integration to start syncing secrets to GitLab.
Note that the GitLab integration supports a few options in the Options tab:
- Secret Prefix: If inputted, the prefix is appended to the front of every secret name prior to being synced.
- Secret Suffix: If inputted, the suffix to appended to the back of every name of every secret prior to being synced.
Setting a secret prefix or suffix ensures that existing secrets in GitLab are not overwritten during the sync. As part of this process, Infisical abstains from mutating any secrets in GitLab without the specified prefix or suffix.
Authorize Infisical for GitLab
Generate an Infisical Token for the specific project and environment in Infisical.
Next, create a new variable called INFISICAL_TOKEN
with the value set to the token from the previous step in Settings > CI/CD > Variables of your GitLab repository.
Configure Infisical in your pipeline
Edit your .gitlab-ci.yml
to include the Infisical CLI installation. This will allow you to use the CLI for fetching and injecting secrets into any script or command within your Gitlab CI/CD process.
image: ubuntu
- build
- test
- deploy
stage: build
- apt update && apt install -y curl
- curl -1sLf '' | bash
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y infisical
- infisical run -- npm run build
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