Keycloak SAML SSO is a paid feature.

If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Pro Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact [email protected] to purchase an enterprise license to use it.


Prepare the SAML SSO configuration in Infisical

In Infisical, head to your Organization Settings > Authentication > SAML SSO Configuration and select Manage.

Keycloak SAML organization security section

Next, copy the Valid redirect URI and SP Entity ID to use when configuring the Keycloak SAML application.

Keycloak SAML initial configuration


Create a SAML client application in Keycloak

2.1. In your realm, navigate to the Clients tab and click Create client to create a new client application.

SAML keycloak list of clients

You don’t typically need to make a realm dedicated to Infisical. We recommend adding Infisical as a client to your primary realm.

In the General Settings step, set Client type to SAML, the Client ID field to, and the Name field to a friendly name like Infisical.

SAML keycloak create client general settings

If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you will want to replace with your own domain.

Next, in the Login Settings step, set both the Home URL field and Valid redirect URIs field to the Valid redirect URI from step 1 and press Save.

SAML keycloak create client login settings

2.2. Once you’ve created the client, under its Settings tab, make sure to set the following values:

  • Under SAML Capabilities:
    • Name ID format: email (or username).
    • Force name ID format: On.
    • Force POST binding: On.
    • Include AuthnStatement: On.
  • Under Signature and Encryption:
    • Sign documents: On.
    • Sign assertions: On.
    • Signature algorithm: RSA_SHA256.

SAML keycloak client SAML capabilities

SAML keycloak client signature encryption

2.3. Next, navigate to the Client scopes tab select the client’s dedicated scope.

SAML keycloak client scopes list

Next click Add predefined mapper.

SAML keycloak client mappers empty

Select the X500 email, X500 givenName, and X500 surname attributes and click Add.

SAML keycloak client mappers predefined

Now click on the X500 email mapper and set the SAML Attribute Name field to email.

SAML keycloak client mappers email

Repeat the same for X500 givenName and X500 surname mappers, setting the SAML Attribute Name field to firstName and lastName respectively.

Next, back in the client scope’s Mappers, click Add mapper and select by configuration.

SAML keycloak client mappers by configuration

Select User Property.

SAML keycloak client mappers user property

Set the the Name field to Username, the Property field to username, and the SAML Attribtue Name to username.

SAML keycloak client mappers username

Repeat the same for the id attribute, setting the Name field to ID, the Property field to id, and the SAML Attribute Name to id.

SAML keycloak client mappers id

Once you’ve completed the above steps, the list of mappers should look like this:

SAML keycloak client mappers completed


Retrieve Identity Provider (IdP) Information from Keycloak

Back in Keycloak, navigate to Configure > Realm settings > General tab > Endpoints > SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata and copy the IDP URL. This should appear in various places and take the form:

SAML keycloak realm SAML metadata

Also, in the Keys tab, locate the RS256 key and copy the certificate to use when finishing configuring Keycloak SAML in Infisical.

SAML keycloak realm settings keys


Finish configuring SAML in Infisical

Back in Infisical, set IDP URL and Certificate to the items from step 3. Also, set the Client ID to the

Once you’ve done that, press Update to complete the required configuration.

SAML Okta paste values into Infisical


Enable SAML SSO in Infisical

Enabling SAML SSO allows members in your organization to log into Infisical via Keycloak.

SAML keycloak enable SAML


Enforce SAML SSO in Infisical

Enforcing SAML SSO ensures that members in your organization can only access Infisical by logging into the organization via Keycloak.

To enforce SAML SSO, you’re required to test out the SAML connection by successfully authenticating at least one Keycloak user with Infisical; Once you’ve completed this requirement, you can toggle the Enforce SAML SSO button to enforce SAML SSO.

We recommend ensuring that your account is provisioned the application in Keycloak prior to enforcing SAML SSO to prevent any unintended issues.

If you’re configuring SAML SSO on a self-hosted instance of Infisical, make sure to set the AUTH_SECRET and SITE_URL environment variable for it to work:

  • AUTH_SECRET: A secret key used for signing and verifying JWT. This can be a random 32-byte base64 string generated with openssl rand -base64 32.
  • SITE_URL: The URL of your self-hosted instance of Infisical - should be an absolute URL including the protocol (e.g.