The Infisical Operator is a collection of Kubernetes controllers that streamline how secrets are managed between Infisical and your Kubernetes cluster. It provides multiple Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) which enable you to:

  • Sync secrets from Infisical into Kubernetes (InfisicalSecret).
  • Push new secrets from Kubernetes to Infisical (InfisicalPushSecret).
  • Manage dynamic secrets and automatically create time-bound leases (InfisicalDynamicSecret).

When these CRDs are configured, the Infisical Operator will continuously monitors for changes and performs necessary updates to keep your Kubernetes secrets up to date. It can also automatically reload dependent Deployments resources whenever relevant secrets are updated.

If you are already using the External Secrets operator, you can view the integration documentation for it here.


The operator can be install via Helm. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows you to define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications.

Install the latest Helm repository

helm repo add infisical-helm-charts '' 
helm repo update

The operator can be installed either cluster-wide or restricted to a specific namespace. If you require stronger isolation and stricter access controls, a namespace-scoped installation may make more sense.

helm install --generate-name infisical-helm-charts/secrets-operator

Custom Resource Definitions

Currently the operator supports the following CRD’s. We are constantly expanding the functionality of the operator, and this list will be updated as new CRD’s are added.

  1. InfisicalSecret: Sync secrets from Infisical to a Kubernetes secret.
  2. InfisicalPushSecret: Push secrets from a Kubernetes secret to Infisical.
  3. InfisicalDynamicSecret: Sync dynamic secrets and create leases automatically in Kubernetes.

General Configuration

Private/self-signed certificate

To connect to Infisical instances behind a private/self-signed certificate, you can configure the TLS settings in the CRD to point to a CA certificate stored in a Kubernetes secret resource.

      secretName: custom-ca-certificate
      secretNamespace: default
      key: ca.crt

Global configuration

To configure global settings that will apply to all instances of InfisicalSecret, you can define these configurations in a Kubernetes ConfigMap. For example, you can configure all InfisicalSecret instances to fetch secrets from a single backend API without specifying the hostAPI parameter for each instance.

Available global properties

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
hostAPIIf hostAPI in InfisicalSecret instance is left empty, this value will be used

Applying global configurations

All global configurations must reside in a Kubernetes ConfigMap named infisical-config in the namespace infisical-operator-system. To apply global configuration to the operator, copy the following yaml into infisical-config.yaml file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: infisical-operator-system
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: infisical-config
  namespace: infisical-operator-system
  hostAPI: # <-- global hostAPI

Then apply this change via kubectl by running the following

kubectl apply -f infisical-config.yaml

Troubleshoot operator

If the operator is unable to fetch secrets from the API, it will not affect the managed Kubernetes secret. It will continue attempting to reconnect to the API indefinitely. The InfisicalSecret resource uses the status.conditions field to report its current state and any errors encountered.

$ kubectl get infisicalSecrets
NAME                     AGE
infisicalsecret-sample   12s

$ kubectl describe infisicalSecret infisicalsecret-sample
    Last Transition Time:  2022-12-18T04:29:09Z
    Message:               Infisical controller has located the Infisical token in provided Kubernetes secret
    Reason:                OK
    Status:                True
    Last Transition Time:  2022-12-18T04:29:10Z
    Message:               Failed to update secret because: 400 Bad Request
    Reason:                Error
    Status:                False
Events:                    <none>

Uninstall Operator

The managed secret created by the operator will not be deleted when the operator is uninstalled.

Install Infisical Helm repository

helm uninstall <release name>

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