Keycloak OIDC SSO is a paid feature. If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Pro Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact [email protected] to purchase an enterprise license to use it.


Create an OIDC client application in Keycloak

1.1. In your realm, navigate to the Clients tab and click Create client to create a new client application.

OIDC keycloak list of clients

You don’t typically need to make a realm dedicated to Infisical. We recommend adding Infisical as a client to your primary realm.

1.2. In the General Settings step, set Client type to OpenID Connect, the Client ID field to an appropriate identifier, and the Name field to a friendly name like Infisical.

OIDC keycloak create client general settings

1.3. Next, in the Capability Config step, ensure that Client Authentication is set to On and that Standard flow is enabled in the Authentication flow section.

OIDC keycloak create client capability config settings

1.4. In the Login Settings step, set the following values:

  • Root URL:
  • Home URL:
  • Valid Redirect URIs:
  • Web origins:

OIDC keycloak create client login settings

If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you will want to replace (base URL) with your own domain.

1.5. Next, navigate to the Client scopes tab and select the client’s dedicated scope.

OIDC keycloak client scopes list

1.6. Next, click Add predefined mapper.

OIDC keycloak client mappers empty

1.7. Select the email, given name, family name attributes and click Add.

OIDC keycloak client mappers predefined 1 OIDC keycloak client mappers predefined 2

Once you’ve completed the above steps, the list of mappers should look like the following: OIDC keycloak client mappers completed


Retrieve Identity Provider (IdP) Information from Keycloak

2.1. Back in Keycloak, navigate to Configure > Realm settings > General tab > Endpoints > OpenID Endpoint Configuration and copy the opened URL. This is what is to referred to as the Discovery Document URL and it takes the form: OIDC keycloak realm OIDC metadata

2.2. From the Clients page, navigate to the Credential tab and copy the Client Secret to be used in the next steps. OIDC keycloak realm OIDC secret


Finish configuring OIDC in Infisical

3.1. Back in Infisical, in the Organization settings > Security > OIDC, click Manage OIDC keycloak manage org Infisical

3.2. For configuration type, select Discovery URL. Then, set the appropriate values for Discovery Document URL, Client ID, and Client Secret. OIDC keycloak paste values into Infisical

Once you’ve done that, press Update to complete the required configuration.


Enable OIDC SSO in Infisical

Enabling OIDC SSO allows members in your organization to log into Infisical via Keycloak.

OIDC keycloak enable OIDC

If you’re configuring OIDC SSO on a self-hosted instance of Infisical, make sure to set the AUTH_SECRET and SITE_URL environment variable for it to work: - AUTH_SECRET: A secret key used for signing and verifying JWT. This can be a random 32-byte base64 string generated with openssl rand -base64 32. - SITE_URL: The URL of your self-hosted instance of Infisical - should be an absolute URL including the protocol (e.g.

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