Token Auth is a platform-agnostic, simple authentication method that can be configured for a machine identity to authenticate from any platform/environment using a token.


The following sequence diagram illustrates the Token Auth workflow for authenticating clients with Infisical.


Token Auth is the simplest authentication method that a client can use to authenticate with Infisical.

Unlike other authentication methods where a client must exchange credential(s) for a short-lived access token to access the Infisical API, Token Auth allows a client to make authenticated requests to the Infisical API directly using a token. Conceptually, this is similar to using an API Key.

To be more specific:

  1. An operator creates an access token in the Infisical UI.
  2. The operator shares the access token with the client which it can then use to make authenticated requests to the Infisical API.


In the following steps, we explore how to create and use identities for your workloads and applications to access the Infisical API using the Token Auth authentication method.


Creating an identity

To create an identity, head to your Organization Settings > Access Control > Machine Identities and press Create identity.

When creating an identity, you specify an organization level role for it to assume; you can configure roles in Organization Settings > Access Control > Organization Roles.

Now input a few details for your new identity. Here’s some guidance for each field:

  • Name (required): A friendly name for the identity.
  • Role (required): A role from the Organization Roles tab for the identity to assume. The organization role assigned will determine what organization level resources this identity can have access to.

Once you’ve created an identity, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can manage the identity.

Since the identity has been configured with Universal Auth by default, you should re-configure it to use Token Auth instead. To do this, press to edit the Authentication section, remove the existing Universal Auth configuration, and add a new Token Auth configuration onto the identity.

Here’s some more guidance on each field:

  • Access Token TTL (default is 2592000 equivalent to 30 days): The lifetime for an acccess token in seconds. This value will be referenced at renewal time.
  • Access Token Max TTL (default is 2592000 equivalent to 30 days): The maximum lifetime for an acccess token in seconds. This value will be referenced at renewal time.
  • Access Token Max Number of Uses (default is 0): The maximum number of times that an access token can be used; a value of 0 implies infinite number of uses.
  • Access Token Trusted IPs: The IPs or CIDR ranges that access tokens can be used from. By default, each token is given the, allowing usage from any network address.

Restricting access token usage to specific trusted IPs is a paid feature.

If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Pro Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact [email protected] to purchase an enterprise license to use it.


Creating a Token

In order to use the identity with Token Auth, you’ll need to create an (access) token; you can think of this token akin to an API Key used to authenticate with the Infisical API. With that, press Create Token.

Copy the token and keep it handy as you’ll need it to authenticate with the Infisical API.


Adding an identity to a project

To enable the identity to access project-level resources such as secrets within a specific project, you should add it to that project.

To do this, head over to the project you want to add the identity to and go to Project Settings > Access Control > Machine Identities and press Add identity.

Next, select the identity you want to add to the project and the project level role you want to allow it to assume. The project role assigned will determine what project level resources this identity can have access to.


Accessing the Infisical API with the identity

To access the Infisical API as the identity, you can use the generated access token from step 2 to authenticate with the Infisical API.

Each identity access token has a time-to-live (TLL) which you can infer from the response of the login operation; the default TTL is 7200 seconds which can be adjusted in the Token Auth configuration.

If an identity access token expires, it can no longer authenticate with the Infisical API. In this case, a new access token should be obtained.


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