Note that Audit Logs is a paid feature.

If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Pro, and Enterprise Tier with varying retention periods. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact [email protected] to purchase an enterprise license to use it.

Infisical provides audit logs for security and compliance teams to monitor information access. With the Audit Log functionality, teams can:

  • Track 40+ different events;
  • Filter audit logs by event, actor, source, date or any combination of these filters;
  • Inspect extensive metadata in the event of any suspicious activity or incident review.

Audit Log Structure

Each log contains the following data:

eventObjectContains details about the action performedCaptures what happened
event.typeStringThe specific action that occurred (e.g., “create-secret”)Identifies the exact operation
event.metadataObjectContext-specific details about the eventProvides detailed information relevant to the specific action
actorObjectInformation about who performed the actionIdentifies the responsible entity
actor.typeStringCategory of actor (user, service, identity, etc.)Distinguishes between human and non-human actors
actor.metadataObjectDetails about the specific actorProvides identity information
actor.metadata.userIdStringUnique identifier for user actorsLinks to specific user account
actor.metadata.emailStringEmail address for user actorsEmail of the executing user
actor.metadata.usernameStringUsername for user actorsUsername of the executing user
actor.metadata.serviceIdStringIdentifier for service actorsID of specific service token
actor.metadata.identityIdStringIdentifier for identity actorsID to specific identity
actor.metadata.permissionObjectPermission context for the actionShows permission template data when action was performed
orgIdStringOrganization identifierIndicates which organization the action occurred in
projectIdStringProject identifierIndicates which project the action affected
ipAddressStringSource IP addressShows where the request originated from
userAgentStringClient application informationIdentifies browser or application used
userAgentTypeStringCategory of client (web, CLI, SDK, etc.)Classifies the access method
timestampDateTimeWhen the action occurredRecords the exact time of the event