
The InfisicalPushSecret CRD allows you to create secrets in your Kubernetes cluster and push them to Infisical.

This CRD offers the following features:

  • Push Secrets from a Kubernetes secret into Infisical.
  • Manage secret lifecycle of pushed secrets in Infisical. When the Kubernetes secret is updated, the operator will automatically update the secrets in Infisical. Optionally, when the Kubernetes secret is deleted, the operator will delete the secrets in Infisical automatically.


  • A project within Infisical.
  • A machine identity ready for use in Infisical that has permissions to create secrets in your project.
  • The operator is installed on to your Kubernetes cluster.

Example usage

Below is a sample InfisicalPushSecret CRD that pushes secrets defined in a Kubernetes secret to Infisical.

After filling out the fields in the InfisicalPushSecret CRD, you can apply it directly to your cluster.

Before applying the InfisicalPushSecret CRD, you need to create a Kubernetes secret containing the secrets you want to push to Infisical. An example can be seen below the InfisicalPushSecret CRD.

  apiVersion: secrets.infisical.com/v1alpha1
  kind: InfisicalPushSecret
    name: infisical-push-secret-demo
    resyncInterval: 1m
    hostAPI: https://app.infisical.com/api

    # Optional, defaults to no replacement.
    updatePolicy: Replace # If set to replace, existing secrets inside Infisical will be replaced by the value of the PushSecret on sync.

    # Optional, defaults to no deletion.
    deletionPolicy: Delete # If set to delete, the secret(s) inside Infisical managed by the operator, will be deleted if the InfisicalPushSecret CRD is deleted.

      projectId: <project-id>
      environmentSlug: <env-slug>
      secretsPath: <secret-path>

        secretName: push-secret-demo # Secret CRD
        secretNamespace: default

    # Only have one authentication method defined or you are likely to run into authentication issues.
    # Remove all except one authentication method.
        identityId: <machine-identity-id>
        identityId: <machine-identity-id>
        identityId: <machine-identity-id>
        serviceAccountKeyFilePath: </path-to-service-account-key-file.json>
        identityId: <machine-identity-id>
        identityId: <machine-identity-id>
          name: <secret-name>
          namespace: <secret-namespace>
          secretName: <secret-name> # universal-auth-credentials
          secretNamespace: <secret-namespace> # default
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Secret
    name: push-secret-demo
    namespace: default
  stringData: # can also be "data", but needs to be base64 encoded
    API_KEY: some-api-key
    DATABASE_URL: postgres://
    ENCRYPTION_KEY: fabcc12-a22-facbaa4-11aa568aab
  kubectl apply -f source-secret.yaml

After applying the soruce-secret.yaml file, you are ready to apply the InfisicalPushSecret CRD.

  kubectl apply -f infisical-push-secret.yaml

After applying the InfisicalPushSecret CRD, you should notice that the secrets you have defined in your source-secret.yaml file have been pushed to your specified destination in Infisical.

InfisicalPushSecret CRD properties

Applying the InfisicalPushSecret CRD to your cluster

Once you have configured the InfisicalPushSecret CRD with the required fields, you can apply it to your cluster. After applying, you should notice that the secrets have been pushed to Infisical.

  kubectl apply -f source-push-secret.yaml # The secret that you're referencing in the InfisicalPushSecret CRD push.secret field
  kubectl apply -f example-infisical-push-secret-crd.yaml # The InfisicalPushSecret CRD itself