

Create a new Azure DevOps personal access token (PAT)

You’ll need to create a new personal access token (PAT) in order to authenticate Infisical with Azure DevOps.


Navigate to Azure DevOps



Create a new token

Make sure the newly created token has Read/Write access to the Release scope. integrations

Please make sure that the token has access to the following scopes: Variable Groups (read/write), Release (read/write), Project and Team (read), Service Connections (read & query)


Copy the new access token

Copy the newly created token as this will be used to authenticate Infisical with Azure DevOps. integrations

Setup the Infisical Azure DevOps integration

Navigate to your project’s integrations tab and select the ‘Azure DevOps’ integration. integrations


Authorize Infisical for Azure DevOps

Enter your credentials that you obtained from the previous step.

  1. Azure DevOps API token is the personal access token (PAT) you created in the previous step.
  2. Azure DevOps organization name is the name of your Azure DevOps organization.



Configure the integration

Select Infisical project and secret path you want to sync into Azure DevOps. Finally, press create integration to start syncing secrets to Azure DevOps.


Now you have successfully integrated Infisical with Azure DevOps. Your existing and future secret changes will automatically sync to Azure DevOps. You can view your secrets by navigating to your Azure DevOps project and selecting the ‘Library’ tab under ‘Pipelines’ in the ‘Library’ section.