Learn how to sync secrets to third-party services with Infisical.
Secret Syncs enable you to sync secrets from Infisical to third-party services using App Connections.
Secret Syncs will gradually replace Native Integrations as they become available. Native Integrations will be deprecated in the future, so opt for configuring a Secret Sync when available.
Secret Syncs are a project-level resource used to sync secrets, via an App Connection, from a particular project environment and folder path (source) to a third-party service (destination). Changes to the source will automatically be propagated to the destination, ensuring your secrets are always up-to-date.
Configuring a Secret Sync requires three components: a source location to retrieve secrets from, a destination endpoint to deploy secrets to, and configuration options to determine how your secrets should be synced. Follow these steps to start syncing:
For step-by-step guides on syncing to a particular third-party service, refer to the Secret Syncs section in the Navigation Bar.
Create App Connection: If you have not already done so, create an App Connection via the UI or API for the third-party service you intend to sync secrets to.
Create Secret Sync: Configure a Secret Sync in the desired project by specifying the following parameters via the UI or API:
- Source: The project environment and folder path you wish to retrieve secrets from.
- Destination: The App Connection to utilize and the destination endpoint to deploy secrets to. These can vary between services.
- Options: Customize how secrets should be synced. Examples include adding a suffix or prefix to your secrets, or importing secrets from the destination on the initial sync.
Some third-party services do not support importing secrets.
- Utilize Sync: Any changes to the source location will now automatically be propagated to the destination endpoint.
Infisical is continuously expanding it’s Secret Sync third-party service support. If the service you need isn’t available, you can still use our Native Integrations in the interim, or contact us at [email protected] to make a request .
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