
The Infisical permissions system is based on a role-based access control (RBAC) model. The system allows you to define roles and assign them to users and machines. Each role has a set of permissions that define what actions a user can perform.

Permissions are built on a subject-action-object model. The subject is the resource the permission is being applied to, the action is what the permission allows. An example of a subject/action combination would be secrets/read. This permission allows the subject to read secrets.

Refer to the table below for a list of subjects and the actions they support.

Subjects and Actions

Not all actions are applicable to all subjects. As an example, the secrets-rollback subject only supports read, and create as actions. While secrets support read, create, edit, delete.

roleread, create, edit, delete
memberread, create, edit, delete
groupsread, create, edit, delete
settingsread, create, edit, delete
integrationsread, create, edit, delete
webhooksread, create, edit, delete
service-tokensread, create, edit, delete
environmentsread, create, edit, delete
tagsread, create, edit, delete
audit-logsread, create, edit, delete
ip-allowlistread, create, edit, delete
workspaceedit, delete
secretsread, create, edit, delete
secret-foldersread, create, edit, delete
secret-importsread, create, edit, delete
dynamic-secretsread-root-credential, create-root-credential, edit-root-credential, delete-root-credential, lease
secret-rollbackread, create
secret-approvalread, create, edit, delete
secret-rotationread, create, edit, delete
identityread, create, edit, delete
certificate-authoritiesread, create, edit, delete
certificatesread, create, edit, delete
certificate-templatesread, create, edit, delete
pki-alertsread, create, edit, delete
pki-collectionsread, create, edit, delete
cmekread, create, edit, delete, encrypt, decrypt
secret-syncsread, create, edit, delete, sync-secrets, import-secrets, remove-secrets


Permission inversion allows you to explicitly deny actions instead of allowing them. This is supported for the following subjects:

  • secrets
  • secret-folders
  • secret-imports
  • dynamic-secrets

When a permission is inverted, it changes from an “allow” rule to a “deny” rule. For example:

// Regular permission - allows reading secrets
  subject: "secrets",
  action: ["read"]

// Inverted permission - denies reading secrets
  subject: "secrets",
  action: ["read"],
  inverted: true


Conditions allow you to create more granular permissions by specifying criteria that must be met for the permission to apply. This is supported for the following subjects:

  • secrets
  • secret-folders
  • secret-imports
  • dynamic-secrets


Conditions can be applied to the following properties:

  • environment: Control access based on environment slugs
  • secretPath: Control access based on secret paths
  • secretName: Control access based on secret names
  • secretTags: Control access based on tags (only supports $in operator)


The following operators are available for conditions:

$eqEqual{ environment: { $eq: "production" } }
$neNot equal{ environment: { $ne: "development" } }
$inMatches any value in array{ environment: { $in: ["staging", "production"] } }
$globPattern matching using glob syntax{ secretPath: { $glob: "/app/\*" } }

These details are especially useful if you’re using the API to create new project roles. The rules outlined on this page, also apply when using our Terraform Provider to manage your Infisical project roles, or any other of our clients that manage project roles.

Migrating from permission V1 to permission V2

When upgrading to V2 permissions (i.e. when moving from using the permissions to permissions_v2 field in your Terraform configurations, or upgrading to the V2 permission API), you’ll need to update your permission structure as follows:

Any permissions for secrets should be expanded to include equivalent permissions for:

  • secret-imports
  • secret-folders (except for read permissions)
  • dynamic-secrets

For dynamic secrets, the actions need to be mapped differently:

  • readread-root-credential
  • createcreate-root-credential
  • editedit-root-credential (also adds lease permission)
  • deletedelete-root-credential


# Old V1 configuration
resource "infisical_project_role" "example" {
  name = "example"
  permissions = [
      subject = "secrets"
      action = "read"
      subject = "secrets"
      action = "edit"

# New V2 configuration
resource "infisical_project_role" "example" {
  name = "example"
  permissions_v2 = [
    # Original secrets permission
      subject = "secrets"
      action = ["read", "edit"]
      inverted = false
    # Add equivalent secret-imports permission
      subject = "secret-imports"
      action = ["read", "edit"]
      inverted = false
    # Add secret-folders permission (without read)
      subject = "secret-folders"
      action = ["edit"]
      inverted = false
    # Add dynamic-secrets permission with mapped actions
      subject = "dynamic-secrets"
      action = ["read-root-credential", "edit-root-credential", "lease"]
      inverted = false

Note: When moving to V2 permissions, make sure to include all the necessary expanded permissions based on your original secrets permissions.