Infisical will assume the provided role in your AWS account securely, without the need to share any credentials.



Create the Managing User IAM Role for AWS Parameter Store

  1. Navigate to the Create IAM Role page in your AWS Console.

  2. Select AWS Account as the Trusted Entity Type.

  3. Choose Another AWS Account and enter 381492033652 (Infisical AWS Account ID). This restricts the role to be assumed only by Infisical. If self-hosting, provide your AWS account number instead.

  4. Optionally, enable Require external ID and enter your project ID to further enhance security.


Add Required Permissions for the IAM Role

Use the following custom policy to grant the minimum permissions required by Infisical to sync secrets to AWS Parameter Store:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowSSMAccess",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
        "ssm:AddTagsToResource", // if you need to add tags to secrets
        "kms:ListKeys", // if you need to specify the KMS key
        "kms:ListAliases", // if you need to specify the KMS key
        "kms:Encrypt", // if you need to specify the KMS key
        "kms:Decrypt" // if you need to specify the KMS key
      "Resource": "*"

Copy the AWS IAM Role ARN


Authorize Infisical for AWS Parameter Store

  1. Navigate to your project’s integrations tab in Infisical.

  2. Click on the AWS Parameter Store tile.

  3. Select the AWS Assume Role option.

  4. Provide the AWS IAM Role ARN obtained from the previous step and press connect.


Start integration

Select which Infisical environment secrets you want to sync to which AWS Parameter Store region and indicate the path for your secrets. Then, press create integration to start syncing secrets to AWS Parameter Store.

Infisical requires you to add a path for your secrets to be stored in AWS Parameter Store and recommends setting the path structure to /[project_name]/[environment]/ according to best practices. This enables a secret like TEST to be stored as /[project_name]/[environment]/TEST in AWS Parameter Store.