What's new in Infisical
Infisical Newsfeed & Changelog
Febtuary 12, 2022
- New Dashboard look. Comments are now part of the dashboard. We tried to make them more easily viewed.
- Better experience for adding teammates. You can now see from the organization settings tab which projects a user is part of.
- Improved access management. "Add only" access is now available (users are able to add new variables to environments), but are not able to edit/view the old variables.
Bug Fixes
- Many, many, many bug fixes and performance improvements :)
January 14, 2022
- We released a range of new intergations: Vercel, Netlify, Github Actions.
- Kubernetes Operators has been improved. Clusters are now able to be auto-redeployed.
Bug Fixes
- Many, many, many bug fixes and performance improvements :)
November 21, 2022
It's been a while since we gave any update, because we've been working on something MASSIVE! 🔥👀
- Infisical is now 🔥🔥🔥OPEN-SOURCE🔥🔥🔥. We will be super happy if you come support our Github repo here. If you want to contribute, please find all the information here. You can reach out to [email protected] to schedule a non-pressure pairing session.
- Infisical now supports Docker and Docker Compose.
- Infisical is now language and platform-agnostic! For this, we create a completely new CLI.
- We completely remade our docs, to make them more consice and clear.
Bug Fixes
- Many, many, many bug fixes and performance improvements :)
- Our old CLI will be deperecated on December 15th. Please try to update as soon as possible. It won't take longer than 10 minutes.
October 30, 2022
- The first Infisical integration is now released. Connect any of your environments with Heroku. Then, every time you push to Infisical, the corresponding environment variables in Heroku will also be updated.
Bug Fixes
- Some users had problems with adding the pound sign to their password. We now support this.
October 23, 2022
- Added 'Copy to Click' fo the Project ID on the Dashboard page.
October 18, 2022
- Users are now automatically logged in into the workspace and organization that they left at.
- Users are now able to automatically download their emergency kit. This emergency kit could afterwards be used to recover their accounts.
October 14, 2022
- You are now able to change your password in the personal settings.
- Secrets are automatically sorted in the alphabetocal order on every load.
- Navigation headers have been added for a better navigation in the app.
October 10, 2022
- You can now form your projects into organizations.
- The speed and performance of the Secrets Tab is now significantly improved. For users with over 100 keys in a single project, the latency has been reduced by over 25 times.
- Draggable interface has now been changed to simple right clicks. This has potential performance improvement and allows to embed more features into this menu in future.
- The interface of settings is now similar to rest of the app - each item is inside a grey box. This make it much clearer to navigate.
- More support options are now available (e.g., Slack Channel, Opening GitHub Issues).
- We have partnered with Mintlify to improve our docs.
- We have partnered with Stripe to process payments and changed our billing page to incorporate that.
October 2, 2022
- Added testing environments.
- Drag and drop is now supported even if you already have keys in your workspace (to add new ones).
- For users who log in on their phones, we now recommend to log in from a computer.
- Scrollbars do not show on Windows anymore. Previously this was causing some problems with visibility.
- Resending an invite after it has expired is now much more straightforward - there is now a button that appears in the place of the user role in a workspace.
September 27, 2022
- It is now possible to download your keys from the dashboard.
- A better message is now shown for users that are in the workspace but don't yet hav access to keys.
- New users now see a ping animation next to the 'Add Key' button to make it more obvious for them how to add keys.
- An easier scrolling through keys is now implemented.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed various bugs with tooltips.
September 18, 2022
- Added better password validation (higher level of security) as well as a more straightforward explanation of what passwords are accepted.
- Now, when a user opens /dashboard url, they will be automatically redirected to a default workspace or to a login page.
- Better loading indicator is now shown when the .env file is dropped and being processed.
- It is now possible to sort your keys in an alphabetical order (as well as reverse alphabetical).
Bug Fixes
- Going into a wrong environment will now automatically push you to Development. In addition, going into a wrong workspace, will now automatically push you to a default workspace that you are a member of.
- When creating a new workspace, a user will now automatically be forwarded into it.
- Patched a bug in which saved keys would not actually be saved.
- Save button now becomes active automatically as soon as a file is dropped into the dashboard.
September 15, 2022
- Infisical now supports Personal and Shared keys. Personal keys are visible only to you, and shared ones can be accessed by the whole team. This is extremely useful for situations in which every team memeber needs to have a unique value for a certain key. (e.g., database API-key).
- Adding a new key is now followed by an automatic scroll to the bottom of a certain section.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug with undefined workspaceId when a user is changing between pages very quickly.
September 12, 2022
- Added 'Drag & Drop' functionality for adding new .env files.
- Advanced our security measures against certain attacks (XSS, clickjacking, etc.)
- Improved the UX of the dashboard page - file state statuses are now much clearer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug with deleting the last key pair.
September 11, 2022
- Autopilot for your API-keys. From now onwards, you don't even need to have a local version of your .env file. All secrets are going to be synced automatically. The most up-to-date keys are going to be fetched whenever you need them. Eevrything is end-to-end encrypted!
- Better loading indicators are to certain buttons (e.g., login and signup).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug where a user keep getting redirected to login after they log out.
September 9, 2022
- We added the separation for development, staging, and production environments within every workspace.
- After signup, users now immediately see a set of example key-value pairs.
- It is now possible add a new card for a subscription.
- Better loading indicators are added to all pages.
Bug Fixes
- Dashboard is now automatically opened after signup.
September 7, 2022
- Signup flow is improved. A person signing up doesn't have to specify a workspace name anymore - it is created automatically.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug with wrong password specified during signup.
September 2, 2022
- It is now possible to change the role of a user after they joined your workspace. Only admins are allowed to do that.
- One can now securely delete their workspace.
- Infisical now has a payments & subscriptions integration.
August 30, 2022
- You can now specify Incident contacts who will be contacted in the unlikely event of a severe incident.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cases where inviting a member to a workspace would result in them not having the keys to certain .env files.
- Removing a member from the workspace now works for users who have not yet accepted their invitation.
- Updated Login and Signup screens to improve the ease of use.
August 27, 2022
- Redesigned the 'My Keys' and 'Team' Tab!
- Secrets are now hidden by dots when a user is not hovering or clicking on them specifically. Alternatively, there is an option to unhide all.
- Search bar is now added to speed up the process of finding the right keys.
- Team tab's UI & UX is updated. Search bar is added for better navigation. '+ Add Member' is made consistent between pages.
- Added the ability of renaming a workspace.
August 24, 2022
- Implemented the ecryption of secrets on the key level. This should allow the access management of specific keys as well as setting keys to be unique for each user.
August 21, 2022
- You can now see the roles of each user in the Team tab.
- Better state description and instruction for various cases of empty .env files are added.
August 18, 2022
Security Improvement
- Authentication tokens are now stored in HttpOnly cookies. Utilizing HttpOnly tag when generating cookies vastly reduces the risk of client-side scripts accessing the protected cookie and creates a much more secure experience.
August 16, 2022
Welcome to Infisical!
We're excited to publicly launch Infisical. We usually update our changelogs every 2-3 days so be sure to check here often!
We'll be careful to annotate any potentially breaking changes that we release. Stay tuned!
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