Fairly frequently, you might run into situations when you need to spend company money.

Please spend money in a way that you think is in the best interest of the company.

Trivial expenses

We don’t want you to be slowed down because you’re waiting for an approval to purchase some SaaS. For trivial expenses – Just do it.

This means expenses that are:

  1. Non-recurring AND less than $75/month in total.
  2. Recurring AND less than $20/month.

Saving receipts

Make sure you keep copies for all receipts. If you expense something on a company card and cannot provide a receipt, this may be deducted from your pay.

You should default to using your company card in all cases - it has no transaction fees. If using your personal card is unavoidable, please reach out to Maidul to get it reimbursed manually.


Infisical is a remote first company so we understand the importance of having a comfortable work setup. To support this, we provide allowances for essential office equipment.

Desk & Chair

Most people already have a comfortable desk and chair, but if you need an upgrade, we offer the following allowances. While we’re not yet able to provide the latest and greatest, we strive to be reasonable given the stage of our company.

Desk: $150 USD

Chair: $150 USD


Each team member will receive a company-issued Macbook Pro before they start their first day.


  1. All equipment purchased using company allowances remains the property of Infisical.
  2. Keep all receipts for equipment purchases and submit them for reimbursement.
  3. If you leave Infisical, you may be required to return company-owned equipment.

Please note that we’re unable to offer a split payment option where the Infisical pays half and you pay half for equipment exceeding the allowance. This is because we don’t yet have a formal HR department to handle such logistics.

For any equipment related questions, please reach out to Maidul.


We use Brex as our primary credit card provider. Don’t have a company card yet? Reach out to Maidul.

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